Ruida RDC6442S-B not jogging correctly from interface

I have just upgraded an old CTR-TMX65 from a Leetro MPC6565 to a Ruida RDC6442S-B. Using the latest release of Lightburn I am able to jog the controller without any issues, however using the interface on the machine I cannot jog the XY or Z axis.

All Axis have limit switches on them, but the Z Axis limit switch doesn’t show as working (no lights on the control board or on the interface). I have it plugged into the LmtZ+ port on the board, but have tried all combinations of +/- and both to no avail.

I suspect this is software based, but cannot for the life of me find it!

Doing a Leetro-ectomy can be a fairly involved process and different makers of laser cutters wire things in very different ways!

Can I check my understanding. You say you can move the X and Y axis from LightBurn, but you can not move it at all from the controller key pad?

Z axis on the controller is moved by going into the menu from Z/U and selecting Z move and using the left or right key to move the motor up or down (if that is how you have it wired). Its sort of counter intuitive so thought I’d mention it incase you are more intuitively trying to move it up and down with the up and down keys.

Can we see a photo of your wiring? What guide are you following?

Why do you think this is software based? I doubt LightBurn is doing this to your machine. It is much more likely to be a wiring or configuration issue or your machine settings.

Your understanding is correct, all 3 axis can be jogged from LightBurn, but not the controller keypad. When I go into the menu to move the Z axis, I get a high pitched wining from the stepper motor but from LightBurn it works perfectly fine.

Afraid I won’t have a picture of the machine now until Wednesday evening as I have left the workshop and not back until then, but will share one then if I haven’t worked it out that night.

By software based, I mean something like a machine setting that I haven’t got right, not an issue with LightBurn if that makes sense. So a config or machine setting issue as you say.

could it be the touchscreen is not connected firmly?

Not a touchscreen model, but I have re-seated the connection a few times so am confident it’s not that. Although it was my first thought also!

I think this is related to the jog speed, but will need to go and have a play around with a ruida controller interface to remember correctly, which hopefully I can do in the next 24 hours.

From memory this is related to the button on the Ruida controller marked “SPEED” press the “SPEED” button and knock that down a few digits.

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