Ruida RDV6445G vs RDV6445S

The software is Lightburn

What is the question?

Do these controllers work with Lightburn and a camera, which controller can be recommended as a better pair with Lightburn

What the training letter indicates isn’t quite clear, but from what I’ve read about Ruida controllers the S version is a Double-head Linkage System Specification

I have a 6442G, but I’ll post the manual difference for the 6442S version.

Specifikacija-RuiDa-RDC6442S.pdf.txt (2.1 MB)

The G works fine, and unless you want to set your machine up for two heads, it may not be worth it. The G model also support two tubes, but I have no idea how it actually works with two tubes.


Thanks for the reply. I have RDC6445G and it works fine. But I want to install a camera on the laser with RDV6445G or S type controller. But I am not sure if Lightburn supports working with the camera.

Lightburn support of cameras have nothing to do with the controller. The camera uses a usb port to the pc where Lightburn gets it.


ok, thank you