Ruida - Wobbly lines and shapes not placed correctly

Another horrifying possibility surfaced in a parallel discussion: the machine has the wrong belts.

After considerable back-and-forth produced no progress, this happened:

That would explain events like “pulled out of the holder overnight”.

This may be a case where you must rule out everything else before finding the culprit, but at the end you’ll know everything has been looked at and checked out. Bonus: you’ll be familiar with the guts of your machine and can recognize what’s going wrong the next time around.

What current is the stepper driver set to? For that size motor, a bit over 2 A would be about right.

One of the DIP switches (usually SW4) controls the holding current:

  • OFF = half current
  • ON = full current

If it’s set to full current and you can still turn the motor by hand, that suggests the driver isn’t doing its job.

While it’s possible the motor has failed, it’s more likely to be a bad joint in the wiring or a driver semi-failure reducing the current. The driver is much easier to replace, so I’d start there.