Running an Xtool d1 Pro system on power inverter

Hi peoples, I am running an Xtool d1 Pro 10v on a Mac desktop computer. Sometimes it takes some long runs (time wise) to produce a decent piece. A couple times we have been hit with severe weather during those long runs and I have been lucky so far. No power blinks, outages or lightning strikes. We normally to have power blinks and I am certain a blink would stop the machine making it impossible to pick up where it stopped. My solution would be to set up either a 2000w or 5000w power inverter and run it off a deep cycle 12v battery. Then I could run a trickle charger to keep the battery up when needed. I am wondering if anyone has tried this? I believe I could run my laser, air assist, vent fan and computer as a closed system protected from the whims of Mother Nature. Any insights or thoughts would be appreciated.

I imagine it would be ok as long as your electronics will accept the inverter waveform.

That is a lot of inverter and probably far more than needed.

If you need only a minute or two of backup power to cover a glitch, a standard UPS will suffice for all the hardware you mention.

Get a power meter:

Measure the actual load from all the gadgets, double that number, and I think a kilowatt UPS for about $200 will be more than enough to get you through:

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I like that idea better and I do have a volt meter. The extended outages are rare so it is just the quick glitches I worry about. I saw them used on computer systems 15-20 years ago but had forgotten about them. Far easier to maintain too. Thank you.

I read that a 40w output diode laser draws about 250 watts off the power line. A 400-500 watt inverter should be more than adequate. Amazon U.S. lists them in the $60-$80 price range. Without getting technical, W (watts) and VA (volt-amps) are basically the same thing.

I am only running a 10w but I want to be sure to have the capacity to upgrade to a more powerful laser head.

Possibly true, but the OP also noted other gear.

Which is why I recommended buying a power meter (not a voltmeter!) to measure the actual requirements for everything, then rounding upward. :grin:

I saw that too, and still figured a 500w UPS would do the trick. The only advantage of a larger unit is that he can stay energized during a longer power outage. The idea of a UPS is to last long enough to enable reaching a safe shutdown point. They were never intended to be long term power sources.

If he needs 3-4 hours, or more, of power, the Inverter + 12v battery is a better option. But charging-discharging a 12v lead acid battery indoors carries its own risks.

Thanks everyone. My meter showed 217 watts with the 10w laser at 100% and air assist and vent fan both on high with computer running. I meant to type watt meter rather than volt meter yesterday. I plan to round way up so I can get a more powerful laser head in the future. I will go with the UPS. Longer outages are rare enough here and when if does happen, the UPS would give me enough time to fire up the generator.

An interesting side note on this topic, on May 15th, my laser stopped burning right in the middle of a project. I did my troubleshooting and and looked in my usual online forums for ideas. My watt meter was show under 30 watts being drawn. I finally contacted xtool support (which I dread). They had me do all the same troubleshooting again…twice and then once more on video. They concluded what I already knew, my laser wasn’t burning. I sent the laser head back and after another week, I got a different laser head. It took me 13 minutes to get set up and burning. A project that used to take 5 passes at 100% power and 5100 mm/m with my original laser head, I can do now in 2 passes at 100% power and 6000mm/m and the result are noticeably better. My watt meter showed an average of 208 watts being drawn with the original laser. Now my meter shows an average of 262 watts with this replacement head. I have to assume that my original laser head was a little faulty straight from the factory. Had the original not went out, I would have had no clue how much faster I can burn. .