S&A CW 6000 chiller

What does the E7 error mean and how can it be solved?

From manufacturer specs
E1 - ultra-high ambient temperature
E2 - ultra-high water temperature
E3 - ultra-low water temperature
E4 - room temperature sensor failure
E5 - water temperature sensor failure
E6 - external alarm input
E7 - water flow alarm input

So either the water flow sensor on the input is faulty or you do not have pump going?

Where did you get these?

I found the chiller and the smart temperature controller manual and they all only went to E6…?

@starchim01 do you have the chiller wired to your laser to detect a circulation failure?

I would think the laser would have stopped if this is a circulation error…


I asked Pretty Please to google :smiley:

However, I am convinced all these are mass produced under many names so the “brand” might be not too significant

it looks alike though

Additionally from checking youtube
Tons of “pump” replacement videos

Although no specific E7 error

So i am thinking this might be a common(ish) problem.
Just guess estimating though

If it is indeed a flow error, a common cause is a crushed or kinked tube.

I am a believer also…

Ah… clearyly my mistake was using duck duck go :crazy_face:


well got to pay the OverLord Privacy Tax to get the Answer to the Deepest Questions :smiley:

The meaning of life or how to fix this damn thing?


How to fix it, we all know the answer for the first is 42!

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