okay, need some major help getting my Sainsmart laser to home / align properly with Lightburn.
When i click on the screen to move the laser to the center of the board, the actual head moves to a point several inches away from center.
When I ask the laser where it thinks it is (“get position”), it returns coordinates that don’t match up at all. I’ll use the ‘move’ buttons to send it to what SHOULD be 0,0 (bottom left corner), but then ask it where it thinks it is (get coords) and it says -68.45, -31.05 or something weird.
When I tell the laser to go to point 0,0, it goes somewhere WAAY off.
We seem to be way out of sync between where the software thinks the laser is and where the machine actually sends it.
I’m not familiar with the SainSmart machine - are there limit switches, and does it home when you connect?
If you have limits and the machine is zero’d, the next thing to check is if you have a workspace offset. You could check for this by typing $# in the console and pressing enter. The first entry, G54, should be all zeros (assuming the origin of the machine is front-left as you’ve said). If that’s not the case, you can type G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0 (enter) to reset it.
To turn off the home on startup behavior, click “Devices”, then double-click your device, and click next until you get to the 2nd to last page with the Home on Startup toggle near the bottom and turn it off, then click Next / Finish to save the change.