Sainsmart Prover 4030

The only difference I see from your original configuration is $10=115 went to $10=0.

This in no way should affect what you’re seeing but no harm in trying to change that back.

ok no change even with $10 and $22 changed. it looks like something happened in my controller its all one unit and under a year old so I am waiting for Sainsmart to message me back on if they will replace it for me. if not I will have to look into building new as they dont offer the controller alone to purchase.

That’s unfortunate. Let’s see how good their support is.

yeah I’m Not impressed so far I can only email and it took them almost 18 hours to reply to the first email.

ok I am a mechanic by trait and I just couldn’t stand this sitting broken, I increased my $102 from 160 to 500 and Z moves like normal be it no where near the correct distance because I just increased steps per rotation by more than double but what would cause that to happen

Hmm… well, that shouldn’t have made a difference but trying to think through what that could mean.

Could be that your driver is just failing under certain conditions.

I’m curious, is the movement exactly 32% of what it used to be?

What happens if you put the value back to the original? I suppose for lasering alone you wouldn’t necessarily need the Z step size to be that accurate.

Maybe reenable homing ($22=1) and $10=0 and see if you can get back to a working state.

I just got back to it today and well it moves now so I attempted to home the machine and Z literally bounces off the limit switches it raised up till it hit the limit switch then dropped till limit then back up to limit it never stopped just cycled up and done tapping the limit switches and changing directions. Clearly some how my controller has lost its mind

Might be worth reflashing your firmware. Suggest you save your configuration as reference. Easy to do this in Edit->Machine Settings.

I would agree but for some reason I cant get it to reflash xloader just says uploading and never finishes. right now the z axis will move rather than vibrate with the crazy stepper settings I put in but I noticed that when trying to move it down it will go down a few times each time a click then it may start to go up instead of down when I jog it. Then if I click the jog up button it may still go up or may decide it wants to go down. I am not sure what happened in the controller but I wonder if the Firmware is corrupt somehow.

That’s what I was hoping to address with the suggestion.

Is xloader the only firmware upload option? Maybe try a different firmware version as well.

It’s also possible/likely that there’s a real hardware fault which is where I assumed you were yesterday.

yeah I am still not sure which it is, Sainsmart asked for my address to ship me parts so they agreed with my diag of hardware being the issue but they are in Japan so it is not fast communication at all. I was trying to install the firmware upgrade that sainsmart has on their website should I try and download it from somewhere else.

Is this your unit:
Genmitsu PROVerXL 4030 CNC Router with Carveco Maker Subscription –

Wasn’t sure if ProverXL and Prover were the same thing.

They have a note about Firmware here:


About Firmware

Please do not update the firmware, it will make the control board operate incorrectly.

That’s not a lot of information so unclear why that would be. Wasn’t even able to find a firmware file there.

Can you confirm that your board is an Arduino design with an Atmega328p? If so, you could probably upload a generic GRBL file but wouldn’t want a situation you couldn’t go back to a default Sainsmart build if the firmware is not available.

I am trying to figure out how to tell if its Arduino or not. mine is the ProverXL I just forget to add it in the name when I talk about it. I used the Prover 3018 a much smaller machine but same base design and still Genmitsu so maybe that is why its not working too it really is not for my system and therefore cant load into it

If there’s a chip labeled as an Atmel 328p or Atmel Mega 328p or Atmega 328p then it’s most likely running firmware based on an Arduino design.

It’s possible but I doubt they’ve put the work in to prevent cross-loading firmware.

You could probably use LaserGRBL to load the bog standard GRBL build. It’s likely to keep your current configuration but you may want to keep a backup of your configuration just in case.

LaserGRBL has a built-in firmware upgrade mechanism in the Tools->Flash Grbl Firmware menu option. For your laser I’d recommend using the 1.1h non-custom build. The custom build removes Z-axis homing so not what you want.

work kept me from working on it much yesterday, I will try and open the controller box today to see if it is for sure Arduino based but I am almost positive it is. i do have laserGRBL I will give it a try I do have a new board coming from Sainsmart my only concern is as a mechanic I want to know what caused the board to fail. I have had it on more than one occasion completely ignore the limit switch input when homing and ram the limit switch and run to its travel limit and continue till I hit emergency stop I would have thought this would cause motor failure before it would cause board damage. it also was not an issue on the day we were testing and adjusting settings.

ok board is all in Japanese or Chinese symbols I cant find anything on it in english to confirm its Arduino so I just tried to reflash the firmware with laserGRBL to get an error that it failed so no reflash that way either. it is working still so it didnt mess anything up at all but is still not right

Interesting. So sounds like this issue may have been a long time coming.

What error did you receive?

I dont remember now but the part should be here tomorrow so I will be able to tackle this again hopefully Wednesday at the lastest

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ok i am back up and running, I had a bad cable for the Z stepper motor and a bad cable for the Z limit switches both are working now and my coordinates at all for corners are as follows
Home RR= <Idle|WPos:-3.000,-3.000,-3.000|FS:0,0|WCO:0.000,0.000,0.000>

Rt Frt= <Idle|WPos:-3.000,-660.544,-3.000|FS:0,0|Pn:Y|WCO:0.000,0.000,0.000>

LT Frt= <Idle|WPos:-601.775,-660.544,-3.000|FS:0,0|Pn:XY|WCO:0.000,0.000,0.000>

Lt RR= <Idle|WPos:-601.775,-297.300,-3.000|FS:0,0|Pn:XY|WCO:0.000,0.000,0.000>