Where can I find the files for Saved Positions (from the Move tab) and Job Reminders? I am running version 1.5.06 and noticed after the upgrade, both of these files are now blank. I have Windows 11. This desktop is attached to one laser only. I tried rolling back to 1.5.04, both were blank there also. I tried loading preferences from backed up files - but even going back to the oldest backup, the saved positions and job reminders are gone.
I can recreate the reminders; but redoing all of those job positions is going to take a long while.
Lastly, how do I prevent this from happening in the future? Should I be saving these somehow? I see Export preferences - but I thought the backups would have taken place of that.
I searched the forum before asking the question but could not find an answer that resolved my issue.
Please advise if you need additional details.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.