Saved Positions issues

I have 3 saved positions that come up when I need them. A few days ago I was using a template and needed to add 2 new saved position for these templates but when I went back in they were no longer there. This is a reoccuring issue and I’m not sure what I did correctly for the 3 that come up all the time Vs those I keep setting and losing.

Latest version of Lightburn is being used.

Are you possibly changing device profiles in between saves? Not absolutely certain but I believe the saved positions are device specific but I haven’t confirmed that.

Also, how are you validating the postions are being lost, are you clicking the “Manage” button next to the Saved Positions?

I don’t believe I’m changing device profiles, but I’m not certain I’m completely understanding what is meant by device specific - so it’s possible. For example. I do all my printing from one computer - a standard laptop - and that’s where I’ve set up the saved positions. I have a Surface Pro that isn’t compatible with running the laser as it doesn’t recognize the machine. So I use Lighburnt on this computer for design work only. So if device specific means computer, then I believe I’m only using one device profile.

Yes, I’m using the “manage” button to set up new positions and verifying the prior ones are no longer there.

Are you managing the Saved Positions on one machine and then trying to reference them on the other machine? If so, that’s likely the reason why you’re not seeing consistent saved positions. They will be local to the machine on which the Saved Position is being created.

If you want the Saved Positions on the computer you use to run the jobs you’ll have to define them there or somehow otherwise transfer them through a prefs export/import.

I haven’t tested this for Saved Positions but most other settings in LightBurn will be unique to each deivce you have setup in LightBurn. So if you have multiple devices setup and are switching between them each device will have its own unique set of configurations. Again, not certain this applies to Saved Positions but I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.

I only have one machine (laser). I have 2 computers but I’m not trying to reference any setting from one computer to the other. I’m only working on files - saving them on my design computer to OneDrive and bringing them into the other computer to print.

Interesting. You don’t by chance have your user profile located on OneDrive do you?

If you are defining the Saved Positions on the job computer and attempting to reference them there I don’t see why they wouldn’t persist. If by chance you happen to have your user profile stored on OneDrive it’s possible that OneDrive is interfering with saving the updated preferences.

Is there a set of steps that will reproduce this issue every time? I can try to recreate the issue.

By the way, I tested the per device Saved Positions and confirmed that they are indeed device specific.

I believe I resolved this just now. Here are the steps I took.
1 - exited all files.
2. - exited Lightburn - may not be necessary but I wanted to be sure.
3. Started a new Lightburn file.
4. Set the Saved Positions again. Verified with the “Manage” button, that they were there.
5. Exited that file
6. Opened a new file to see if the Saved Positions were there - they were.
7. Exited Lightburn and opened it again.
8. Opened a new file to verify if the Saved Positions were there - they were.

From this exercise it seems the Saved Positon is also associated with a file - unless set up as a fresh - new option in Lightburn. At least I’ve figured it out for my situation.

Saved Position is not associated to the file at all. The fact that the Saved Position survives a restart of LightBurn shows this. You can prove this out a couple of others ways:

  1. export your prefs file using File->Export Prefs. Open the file in a text editor and search for the name of one of your Saved Positions. It will be associated to your device.
  2. save a .lbrn file. Open the file in a text editor and search for a Saved Position. It won’t show.

But in any case, glad you were able to sort it out to where it’s working.

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