Saving/Fetching LB Project Files from Google Drive

Hi again,

I thought this might be a Windowing system issue, so I switched from Wayland to X org and retried all Open File scenarios. Results were unchanged. I really think this is an issue with the Qt implementation for Linux where Network files are not included and possibly some issue with the file name parser code due the the quote and double single quote delimiters displayed in the LightBurn File Not Found error message box.

Hi again,

I noticed today there was a new 1.2 version of the Linux LightBurn executable. I installed it and I am now able to right click a Project File on a USB drive and open it. I can also do so on Network share drives that house LB project Files.

Still is an issue trying to open a Google Drive LB Project file, get a File Open Message box saying LB cannot open file because it has a bad extension. There must be a way in Qt to correctly parse google drive filenames since other applications can do so.

Thanks for solving 2 of my 3 issues. Any chance you can tackle the Google drive file name issue?
Maybe this link will be helpful:

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