Scaling an entire file based on ONE shape in the file

I am struggling to scale my work. The screenshot is my file…

I am trying to scale up the entire file so that the 7cm^2 square is exactly 7cm x 7cm, while ALSO scaling up the other three polygons proportionally to the changes in the first polygon.

I know that I need to scale up only ~16% to get the scale square sizes corrected–which will also scale up the remaining shapes-- but the only way I have discovered how to accomplish this is by trial & error.

As you can now see, I have rescaled to nearly exactly 70mm (7cm) and my remaining 3 shapes are now the correct size. I realize I could just continue the trial-and-error method but I’m a pretty empirical person and 69.79mm is not 70.0mm.

I am sorry if I am not explaining this well but I have tried everything to get scaling correct, the only way I’ve found is to guess, measure, guess, measure, and guess some more, then HOPEFULLY get it as close to 7CM as I can before ripping all my (remaining) hair out of my head.

Thank you for any assistance you can offer!!!


If you select only the square, it’s size is reflected in the ‘width’, ‘height’ at the top left near the padlock.

You can watch these numbers grow as you drag one of the corners or change the width value with the ‘aspect ratio’ lock on.

Ctl-Z undoes an action…

If you see how that works…

Move the other objects over the square, so when everything is selected it reflects the width of the square. You can align them vertically and use as much space as you need.

You can then drag or set the ‘width’ to any size and all will follow.

Make sense?


70 minus 60 divided by 60, times 100 gives 16.6666…%
60 plus 16.666% gives 69.9996
If you then write 116,666 in the percentage box, after you have locked the ratio and marked everything that needs to be scaled up, you will get 70mm…

Bernd, Jack, THANK YOU!!! I knew there had to me an easier way than T&E. Jack, that method works wonderfully for this smaller example and looking forward to trying on larger patterns very soon too. Bernd, I thank you as well: for larger patterns that works wonderfully also.

I asked for an easier way to scale, and I received two easy ways. THANK YOU AGAIN!

**So sorry I am just getting back to you and I know you answered shortly after I posted, but I have been working on some customer orders then sliced my hand open while trying to remove aluminum from my office paper shredder. Sure wish I had kids so I could blame them instead of myself hehe.

You can also use mathematical expressions in the dimension fields. Select everything you want to scale, make sure the aspect ratio padlock button is enabled, then in the Width or Height field (depending which dimension you’re basing it on) append “/69.79*70” to whatever value is already in there. It will then scale everything accordingly. eg: If your selection is say 112mm wide the Width field should read 112.000/69.79*70. Hopefully that makes sense.

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