Scan for my laser but its not being found. And yes, its plugged in!

I have use my laser with Lightburn before but with a desk top PC. That computer crashed and so I’m trying my laptop. im using the 30 day trial and 6 days are already up and i havent been able to do anyting…

You may need to install a driver, available here: CH340 Drivers for Windows, Mac and Linux

If LightBurn still can’t ‘Find’ your laser, try doing a manual set up.

Choose ‘Create Manually’, select ‘GRBL’ as your device, ‘Serial/USB’ for connection, enter the appropriate dimensions, set your origin to the bottom left, and be sure to turn off ‘auto-home on startup’ if your device does not have limit switches.

You may need to close LightBurn, turn your laser off and on again, restart LightBurn, and then manually select the correct COM port from the drop down menu in the Laser window after creating the device.


You’ll see a response in your ‘Console’ window when you’ve selected the correct port.

If you’re still unable to connect, make sure your USB connection is firmly seated, and try a new, high quality USB. If you’re using any USB hubs or extenders, take them out of line.

Thank you for all the great information. I really appreciate you taking the time to help and for being so thorough!

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