Scan offset different for rectangle filled v qr code or text

i have been trying to get the scan offset adjustment set up correctly.
Update for some reason the scan adjust is screwing with some engraving and is fixing it for others… what the hell is going on! On the latest photos ull see with 0 scan offset the qr codes come out close to perfect! ( made in lightburn) but a rectangle set to fill,

offset the same is rubbish, where if I have the offset at 250 the box is good but the qr code is rubbish? Slowly losing my mind!

3 things to consider:

  1. What is your fill strategy for the QR code? If you’re not doing “Fill all shapes at once” it won’t be a direct comparison
  2. Looks like your cut settings are different between the rectangle and the QR code.
  3. In particular, if your speed settings are different it could be that you need to setup multiple offset scanning adjustments at varying speeds to get you the proper adjustment across speeds.

Hi thanks for your reply,
The fill strategy is set to fill all shapes at once.
And they are all done at the same speed setting of 400mm/s.

The only difference in the settings between the qr code and the rectangle is that i had the line interval set at a much lowing lines per inch at .300mm mm line interval so i could see the individual back and forth lines.
I will upload a photo of the settings i have got it set to shortly, and i will run them both in the same file and cut, to get a direct comparison.

so apon further testing it seems the power level is having a massive affect on the scan line adjustment. please see photo attached.

That’s interesting. I’m not familiar with that phenomenon.

I’m trying to think of a mechanism that would explain that relationship but not having any great ideas as to why or how power would affect the scanning offset.

Does this single variable account for the differences you’re seeing between QR and rectangle fills? Or is that still unexplained?

i belive this has been causing me all the problems i have been experiancing, i just havent been able to narrow down exactly what it was. but, the only variable changed on this most recent test is power. (70/70 to 30/30)

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