Score in lightburn creates wavy lines when scoring on an angle and drops mA for cut

Using Lightburn 1.0.06 (when upgraded it breaks my camera viewport but that is another topic). I started trying to score a project today on my 55w OMTech laser with the Ruida controller. Found that when scoring, the output becomes wavy lines whenever there is a slope or angle to the line being scored. Also, when doing a cut line in the same request (different layer) the mA drops drastically on the cut (3 mA) and it won’t go through the 1/8 in material. When cutting by itself or with a fill there are no wavy lines and the mA is at a normal 10 for the cut. These issues only happen when scoring (line).

Mirrors are cleaned and aligned, bed has been aligned, and belts seem ok. I’m unsure what else to do but we have wasted a lot of material trying to figure this out. If someone can help I would truly appreciate it. It seems to be an issue with data getting sent from Lightburn since we can pulse at the controller and go up to 17 mA. When sending projects to the laser we send through USB and then start at the controller.

Is it possible that the lens is not firmly seated in the barrel and is actually wiggling around as you burn?

We did check to make sure everything was snug and it seemed to be ok.

Try burning a series of evenly spaced vertical and horizontal lines. The artifacts from that may help you isolate where the issue is originating.

I tried a few tests and ended up having to slow waaaaay down to a speed of 25 and a power of 8% to get the wobble to go away. Then we still weren’t getting enough mA on a simple cut and the laser died. Thanks for your help! I bet there is a bigger problem at play here so I may have to refigure my speeds all over again lol.

Have you got any mechanical backlash happening on your machine? Loose belts are the most common culprit, but it could be many other things too; loose nuts/bolts, rollers not sitting tight to their rails, etc.

Hi! Everything seemed as tight as it should be and in the correct spot. The laser ended up dying when trying to perform a simple cut (console went dark and won’t come back on) so I think there might be a bigger problem here. Thanks for the advice though!

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