Scratch, thinking of starting over, from scratch

I started 11/21. I have taken this last month off. Personally, I have had many bumps along the way, which is expected. However, as I prepare to resume tackling this laser tomorrow, Im considering starting from the beginning. I believe, if I’m remembering correctly, I can restore to factory. However, I am also concerned about undoing some important helpful settings, that I acquired from everyone’s advice thus far, so many that, I won’t remember to do apply. Once, I literally watched someone’s video, paused and copied his settings exactly! :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:. Has anyone ever done started over before? While not the most technically specific question, any tips are appreciated. I think I’ve lost my confidence and a little (maybe a lot) of frustration and intimidation has creeped in.
Some of the issues I was having, settings somehow (sometimes) would be so off, it thought home was middle of my laser, I obviously did something wrong, also, home never seemed “right” honeycomb bed was never accurate (ex: 2” inward on screen, would be 4” inward on actual bed)
Thanks :blush:
Omtech 80w, Ruida, MacAirM1.

Restoring a Ruida controller to factory defaults causes the vendor setting that are particular to your machine to be lost.

These machines are not like a ‘linksys’ router, when you hose it up, you just reset it.

Ruida controllers drive many different types of machines. They sell the controller to a ‘vendor’ that puts it, motors and other components in a box and then changes the ‘vendors’ area settings of the Ruida to match what they put in your machine.

Day 1 you should have gone into "Edit → Machine Settings’ and ‘save’ the data that was the original configuration. If you ‘forget’ or reset the machine you can restore the vendors settings.

I have a directory full of configuration files for different purposes. When I make a change I create another file with it’s name reflecting what I changed. I start the name with yyyy-mm-dd so it’s sorts by date (or by creation date). I like it in the name.

You need to understand what you are doing, the guy may end up going over a cliff with you in tow…

Your frustration is probably that you’ve made changes you don’t know why. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable I’d be if that were the case.

Generally I find a reset the last thing to do after exhausting all other options.

Good luck


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