Scrolling & Workspace Laggy - 4K Monitor

Hey Guys,

I’ve recently upgraded my monitor to a 4K panel and have noticed a lot of lag in the workspace, especially with scrolling around or dragging items. It’s worse when I use a scaled resolution vs. the native scaling (“default for display” which makes everything tiny!).

I’m running a 16" MacBook Pro with Core i9 and 5500M 8GB graphics and it’s not stressed at all. All other programs including Fusion 360 run at full speed on the monitor with Lightburn being the only software that seems to bog down. I’ve played around with the curve quality and anti-aliasing with little effect.

LB runs silky smooth on the built-in screen even with the monitor connected as an extended display. Interestingly, it runs fine on the monitor if I mirror the main display onto it so the Mac can obviously push the pixels required…

Hope there’s a simple fix!


Is it slow with a blank workspace or only if there are items on-screen?

Are you using a Filled View Style? Try switching to Wireframe.

It’s slow regardless of what’s in the workspace. Even drawing a bounding box when it’s empty lags and refreshes at maybe 2-5 FPS. If I scroll quickly it continues zooming for a good 5 seconds after I stop.

The view is already wireframe :frowning:

Hmm… that’s odd. What happens if you have half the app on your main display and half on the extended display? Does it run fast then? And does it slow down as soon as you move the application window to the extended display?

Unfortunately that’s not something you can do on Mac (Apple… I know…) The windows either display on one screen or another :confused:

Upon playing around with it more I’ve noticed that even the mouse cursor movement over the workspace is jittery compared to the top banner and UI on the right where it’s smooth like normal.

All the other UI menus work at full speed other than the preview which has always been a bit sluggish. When any other window is open the cursor movement is smooth over the workspace but I assume that it’s not refreshing in those instances.

It’s not totally unusable but it really throws off you workflow constantly waiting for the graphics to catch up.

That’s really odd. I don’t recall anyone else having this particular issue although I haven’t searched for it either.

I know there are folks on iMac and I assume some of them have 5K iMacs.

Have you rebooted since installing the monitor? Also, it’s a longshot but have you tried disabling anti-aliasing? I think you’re onto something with it being slow only on the workspace.

I know, it’s a strange one… I’ve tried AA on and off with no effect.

I’ll plug it into my 4K TV when I get home and see if it happens on that.

Nice test. I’d hope it would behave the same way.

I assume you’re using thunderbolt out of the Mac. How is the monitor connected? And I assume the TV will be HDMI with an adapter?

I have seen this when using “more text” scaling from my m1 macbook air, but its everything, mouse movement, chrome etc, not just Lightburn. If I go to default or slightly larger it goes away.

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