Sculpfun et camera gsm?

Avec Lightburn, est-il possible d’utiliser une caméra de gsm pour le focus d’une sculpfun?
si oui quelle est la démarche?
si non faut-il uniquement une camera sculpfun?

You can use any webcam together with LightBurn. Though, cameras like the official LightBurn-camera and the Sculpfun CAM500 are specifically designed for this use case and most likely better suited than standard webcams.

j’ai trouvé les 4 caméras de Lightburn mais laquelle conseilleriez-vous?

As usual. It depends on your requirements. I don’t have the official LightBurn cameras, and I usually don’t use cameras at all.
I tested a €10 Chinese webcam and the CAM500 from Sculpfun and both work.

wouaw, merci pour ces réponses rapides et qui m’aident beaucoup dans mon démarrage avec le laser. jusqu’à présent je n’en utilise pas non plus mais on me l’a conseillé pour appliquer de bon focus. Encore merci et belle journée.

Not sure if this is the right spot, so move if needed. Setting up the SculpFun CAM500 and during the lens calibration, it seems that it is very picky about the lighting on the work surface. The center capture shows .14, but the bottom capture says pattern not found. what lighting source is best? LED Fluorescents are currently overhead but would LEDs provide a better source? If I turn the light off and use ambient lighting it finds the pattern at the bottom, so I’m guessing lighting is the issue. Any ideas/suggestions?

Bright soft even lighting is best, avoiding shadows and blown out light spots. An LED light strip near the pattern especially in a dark background can easily blow out the constrast.

Note that the lens calibration need not be done in the laser itself. The camera and pattern can be moved to an area with more ideal lighting.

The camera alignment, on the other hand, depends on a fixed mounting position relative to the laser frame.

Peut-être des leds à coller en haut et en bas?

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