Hi !
I d like to know how to wire my new sculpfun RA rotary to my sihao galvo laser ?
rotary is “classic” stepper motor
my galvo laser has a rotary plug but nothing fits in. So I ve wondered what kind of board was in. The answer is “BJJCZ Control Card FBLI-B-V4 With Rotary Function For Fiber Laser Marking Machine model A”
I ve follows wires from terminal plug (5 pins) to board’s plug and found :
Con 4
green to pin 15 => X PUL +
black to pin 14 => X DIR +
yellow to pin 4 => Vin
blue to ground power
red to +24V power
I m pretty sure that I need an “additionnal” driver so I have a DM556
I ve tested in LB but nothing moves. My motor is well connected it s stucked in place but not turn any way. I can t turn motor axe till is plugged in the driver.
here’s my wiring
I’ve put 2K resistors because it is written in DM566 manual (I did the test with and without).
I don t know where to put the yellow wire (Vin)
I hope have given all informations to help me.
Ps : I know that is a nema 23 motor but I don t want to shoot my rotary… and I think it is running the same thing, if not, tell me
Thank you a lot for your help !