Sculpfun S30 Pro GETTING STUCK

Good Afternoon Community,
first of all I have to say that I am a newbie in this business, however, I really liked engraving a lot. Unfortunately, my Sculpfun S30 Pro behaves strangely or better say does not work at all.

As far as I know there is no service center for Sculpfun in the Czech Republic and I did not find any geek to help me out that is why I spam here… :frowning:

After turning on the Engraver seems to be “stuck”. It is not possible to move with the X or Y axis by hand freely as before. I dont know if this is a normal behavior or not but I can say that it did not work like that some time before. Homing cycle is not possible and the machine says “Busy” very often. If I try to move laser head somewhere it makes just a short tiny move and then it is stuck again. It looks like there is a problem between Controller and Sculpfun machine but everything looks fine - Lightburn itself can find the machine and after adding it says “Ready”. Unfortunately the process is slow and clumsy.

I am aware that my “description” is too wide to give me a concrete answer, however, I would be very grateful to get at least basic answer like “there is probably a bad wiring” or “the axis lock is probably caused by bad settings in Lightburn”… Right now I dont know where to start trying to solve the problem and it is very frustrating.

Console says only this:

Waiting for connection…




Target buffer size found




Homing fail. Could not find limit switch within search distance. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel on search and 5 * pulloff on locate phases.


Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]

[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]


In case of any question I will try to answer as precisely as possible.

Thank you in advance,

With the laser disconnected from the power supply, can you move X and Y with your hand?
Also check this wiki, lots of information on Sculpfun lasers and lasers in general.

Usually, such a lock is not a settings issue. (Though you can check if $1 is not 255, this causes such behavior)
In most cases, this was a firmware issue, where some glitch happened, and the control was defect. You could try to re-flash the firmware first. Or, even before, reset the firmware settings by sending $RST=* in the console window once connected.

Next, you can try to disconnect all periphery to check if a limit switch has a short or the power supply broke.

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Thank you both guys for your inputs. I will try to solve that when I get home and if I am successful I will post the solution here!

Yes, without the laser being connected to the power supply I can move both axis freely. Even when the laser is started and before the console says “Ready” I can move it freely. When it says ready the laser head moves a tiny move and then it is locked. I will read the article and try all the the tips inside it and what you gave me. Thanks a lot again!

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The problem has bees solved, thank you all once again! Firmware settings helped me with the “stuck” Sculpfun S30 Pro.

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