Can anyone tell me if this is something feasible or it’s just a delusional ideia?
I find that the Sculpfun S30 Pro 10w module fills all the needs i have and I’m planning of buying it to replace my Neje N40630 (if it turns out it’s not a lens problem)
My question is can a Sculpfun module be installed in a Neje Master 2S, T shaped frame?
I will try it test that tomorrow, but after all the trouble I’m getting out of the neje module I’m just avoiding looking at the laser to prevent it from flying from the 6th floor
Depending on where you live, it might make sense to check out the complete S30 Pro kit. It features (a great) air assist kit with automated control already. The full kit is around €440, whereas the module alone is €220. Or you buy the 5W version for €270 and can upgrade to 10W if you need at a later stage. The 5W Sculpfun will outperform your Neje already as far as I read from users reports.
I think it should fit without a problem (using an adaptor plate, of course). The module is small, light and has standard connectors…
Maybe post a picture of your setup to check a little better.