Sculpfun s30 pro power supply

Hello, i have problem with ,i think ,power supply.
Yesterday when i turned on laser,only red light is on without any sound from laser head (ventilator) …

I tried today to turn on and now it works…
But another turn off/ turn on ,it doesnt work

What is the problem?

In most cases, it’s the main power switch on the mainboard. Try to avoid using it, place it in ON position and use a switchable power socket to turn on the laser.

Another possibility is that the laser control cable is broken, this often happens as well.

yesterday laser worked about 5-6 hours. I didn’t turn it off at all but suddenly laser head stopped… no sound,no laser beam, just red light on from power supply… thanks

Proprio oggi anche il mio non funziona . Sembra che all’incisore arrivino solo 1,8A