Sculpfun s6 pro Y axis no movement

Hello there, I found today that the Y axis doesn’t move. The stepper motor make a noise but can’t move. I change the motor and the cable as well but the problem still there. Any solution on that issue?

If you take the stepper by itself without belts on, can you see movement on the stepper shaft+pinion?

If you completely exchanged the motor and cable, then it looks like the board (stepper driver) is broken. But usually, it’s more a matter of wiring and the torque, as PY suggested. If you put the y cabling to the x motor, does that one start to stutter then?

No nothing, just a noise without movement

If you swap X and Y cables does the problem move to X motor or stay on Y?

Yeap, the problem moves to X axis. Probably the issue is on the board

Or a problem in the cable.

Are you able to test known good cable from Y on controller to X motor?

Hi my S6 Pro has done this and I have swapped cables and the motor works. so how would I resolve this ??

Usually, you should try to replace the cable. Or at least the connectors. Those tend to break if not fixed properly.

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same problem happened to me. but I can’t find any solution. I changed the cable. the main board was changed, it didn’t work again, what should I do?

What exactly is your situation? Can you explain in detail?

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i am using sculpfun s30 pro this is my second machine. I also have an s9 machine. s30 x axis not working. I tried every way, it doesn’t work. i changed cables, i changed main driver but still same x axis not working.

x engine still does not start even though it has been changed

What has been changed? The motor, the cable and the mainboard?

If the cable hasn’t been changed yet, switch the y axis cable to the x axis motor and check if it turns. If yes, the cable or mainboard is the problem.
If the motor still doesn’t turn, it’s the motor.

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here is where it gets interesting. I replaced the motherboard, same problem persisted. motherboard is zero. I changed the cables, the problem persisted, the cables are also zero. I changed the engine, the problem continued, the engines are also zero. but when i plug y cable to x motor it works

I couldn’t solve it anyway. By the way, when I plug the s 30 motherboard into the s9, it works too.

when i plug the motors into the s9, the motors also run hahahahahahaha i’m going crazy

So motors work fine, mainbord works fine. Then I suspect it’s the cable. Check if the switched cable works at the y axis motor, if yes, change the other ends at the mainboard and it might be fine.
The plugs are sometimes a little fiddly, if it doesn’t work directly, connect it once again and test.

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Sorry to bump this thread but I have the exact same problem, here is the summary:

I have had the S30Pro for a few months already, no major problems with it at all.
Today in the middle of my third cut the machine suddenly stopped working, it returns ALARM:9Homing fail. Could not find limit switch within search distance. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel on search and 5 * pulloff on locate phases.

The problem is that the Y axis won’t move, the X axis do not have a problem, I can move X axis from Lightburn or LaserGRBL just fine, but it does not move the Y axis both in Lightburn and LaserGRBL, it makes a very slow movement and stops.

The machine now won’t home or move the Y axis at all. It stopped while it was in the middle of my third cut today.

The behavior in Lightburn when I turn on the machine and homing is triggered is that it moves the X axis to the correct homing position (left) but fails to drive the laser head towards me through the Y axis, it stops in the correct homing position for the X axis with the limit switch and remains there for a few seconds while apparently struggling a bit to finally stop and return me the ALARM 9 in the console.

This is what I checked already:

  1. All cables and connections are ok, I did reset all connections just in case.
  2. The Y axis rails are unobstructed and clean, the belt is in good condition and centered in the gear.
  3. I have used Lightburn for a while already, all settings are OK and firmware is the latest.
  4. I tried with different cables, same result.
  5. I tried turning off machine, unplugging cable, turn on, plug cable and same result.
  6. Moving both axis manually does not return any strange behavior or unusual resistance.
  7. If XY cables are swapped, the problem translates to X axis and Y axis moves.

No settings changed recently, same fixed physical position and no apparent major trouble the last few days with multiple cuts per day.

OBSERVATION: I have found that in some complex cuts consisting in many small parts, the laser would sometimes skip a piece, or not entirely finish a piece.

By @misken answer and pure logic I guess it should be the Y axis cable, but upon close inspection all looks fine (all cable ends look nominal etc.) - Is there any further tests or fixes that would be recommended in order to check the cable?

Thanks in advance.

So I have tried what you’ve suggested… Will explain to the best of my capabilities, not a clue about electric components to be honest, so I apologize in advance.

There are two main connectors in the motherboard that relate axis as far as I have observed, the VGs (VGY n VGX) which I assume are directly related with the limit switches - Please correct me if I am wrong.

Then the Motor connectors in the Motherboard for both axis. In order to keep things clear and avoid misunderstandings, I will refer to Motherboard Motor X cable head as MMX and Motherboard Motor Y cable head as MMY - and the cable ends that go to the Physical Motors PMX and PMY

Reactions at homing with different combos:

MMX in Motherboard Motor X slot + PMX in Motor X | MMY in Motherboard Motor Y slot + PMY in Motor Y = Only Motor X moves.

MMX in Motherboard Motor Y slot + PMX in Motor X | MMY in Motherboard Motor X slot + PMY in Motor Y = Only Motor Y moves.

MMX disconnected | MMY in Motherboard Motor Y slot + PMY in Motor Y = Only Motor Y moves. This discards the cable issue?

MMX in Motherboard Motor X slot + PMX in Motor X | MMY disconnected = Only Motor X moves. I guess normal.

MMY in Motherboard Motor X slot + PMY in Motor Y | MMX disconnected = Only Motor Y moves. Again, looks like cable is not the issue.

MMY in Motherboard Motor Y slot + PMY in Motor Y | MMX disconnected = Only Motor Y moves.

MMY in Motherboard Motor Y slot + PMY in Motor X | MMX disconnected = Only Motor X moves.

So is it a power issue? Looks like no matter the combination, cables appear to work but as soon as both cables are connected no matter with what combination, one of the motors cease to work.

Honestly mindboggled…

Any input would be greatly appreciated.