with the tool in lightburn I tell him t go to e.g. position X=80 Y=280 from current position or absolute coords (no difference). clicking : The laser doesn’t care about my coordinates but goes right up in X- and Y-direction until I stop him manually.
Question: How do I do it right to place the position in lightburn so he moves exactly to the position i want?
Did you add limit switches to this machine yourself? It sounds like your laser isn’t reporting its position accurately after homing.
Try homing your laser, then entering the $I and $# commands in the Console window. Press enter between entering each command, then copy and paste the response you get into this thread.
Thanks for your quick response. I also thought the SW doesn’t know the absolute home coordinates.
Don’t know what “$I, $#” really do but this is the result:
Target buffer size found
Here is a guide on how to mount limit switches to an S9 and similar (including the video released by LB team):
This includes all settings you need to set. It looks like you have a 8bit board (older generation of S9 lasers), right? Then the firmware does not implement the homing conveniently. I recommend flashing the S9 firmware I released (Firmware Update & Settings - Diode Laser Wiki). You can show a picture of the mainboard to verify the type.
Apologies — I meant to ask you to enter $? instead of $I.
The $# response shows that you have no unnecessary offsets applied, which is good, the $? response should show the position reported when the laser homes.
Not really, a picture would be easier. If your firmware does not reset the position after homing, you need to set an offset at the homing position. It is explained in the article linked above.
that didn’t work: It maybe shifts the origin to bottom left, but the direction of the laser stays - means: he “thinks” the origin right - top is now bottom-left but if I tell him e.g. to coordinates x/20 - Y/20 he goes down 827 and left 387.
So it is also neccessary to invert the movement down-> up and left->right… any idea?
$10=0 doesn’t change the problem.
see differing origin:
Offset in the Laser Menu and position in the Window (blue arrow)
I think if I 'll see it in the window at the right position it will work (that’s why left really moves left already).
The origin in the Device Settings window must be set to bottom left — that is your machine origin.
The origin in the Laser window is the Job Origin position — it’s used for orienting output relative to your laser’s position if you’re using Current Position or User Origin, but does not affect machine coordinates or jogging.