My S9 with upgraded 32 bit motherboard, limit switches and Lightburn 1.07.06 will not sync computer grid to work piece. I home laser, shut down Lightburn, then restart so it has nothing in the Get Position area. I hit “Go to Origin” and laser motors over to the lower left of the workpiece. Get Position now shows 13.39,41.62. So now the laser is at 0,0 on the workpiece. On the screen the green box is at 0,0 (absolute coordinates). The lower left on the image is at 80,80mm (relative to workpiece 0,0). Hit start and it etches the with the lower left of the image at 25,25 relative to workpiece 0,0. I thought that once the 0,0 on the workpiece was set, that everything I see on the screen relative to 0,0 should etch just as shown on screen. What am I doing wrong?
I couldn’t follow your explanations, but the S9 has no limit switches, and therefore you can’t use absolute positioning. Do not care about the workspace at all. Just position your project anywhere you like. Set the start to “current position”, then frame and laser your project at the position the laser head starts. Never set any origin, nor use the homing function. They are all useless without switches.
Sorry Melvin, I forgot to say that I installed limit switches. It homes fine. So I drew a square and selected “Current Position”. I moved the head to the middle of the screen grid. I selected lower left under current position. I hit Start. The head moved 5mm to the right and 2mm up, then drew the square and returned to the start position. Is that normal? How do I use absolute coordinates? Thanks for any help! Ted
Do you have your limit switches on the lower left and to the left of the laser? Not to steal your thread but I have not been successful in getting mine S9 with limit switches to home with absolute coordinates.
@Wackedout54 what did you try so far? It’s usually not complicated to configure it. Check this guide:
Show a screenshot of your project. I guess you had more objects in the workspace? There is a green square showing the position the laser uses for the start. Make sure to also enable “cut selected graphics only” and “use selection origin”. This will make things much easier.
If you homed, which position is reported afterward? Let’s check that as well.
@misken yes, I have read through that entire wiki and made adjustments. I shared my GRBL settings in my thread.
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