Seeking lbdev file for Neje Max 4. Wth rotator, if possible

I purchased a Max 4 to go with my Max 3. I’ve not been able to find configuration data for the 4. If someone would be so kind as to share theirs, I would really appreciate it. I also have (NIB) the rotator. If you happen to have the same, that would be a bonus for me.

I have just sent the file to your email that I use. It also has my Neje Chuck rotary set up on it.

Should also mention that this is the configuration I use for the rotary so you may have to turn off “Enable Rotary”. I also use “Current Position” when using the rotary and Absolute Coordinates for everything else.

I hate to be the village idiot, but is there an email here in the forums I should look for?
My business email is: if that helps.

What you have is exactly what I need, and I appreciate your help!

I’ve just emailed you the lbdev, lbprefs and lbset files using the email you provided. Let me know if you get them.

Perfect! Thank you, I have them!

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