Segítség kérés magyar

megvettem a licensz frissítést,a helyzet változatlan :frowning:
mivel lehetne orvosolni a problémát,más progam? (laser grbl en kívül?)
ha nem lenne érthető a gondom,görgess lejjebb egy poszttal
köszönöm a segítséget

I bought the license update, the situation is unchanged :frowning:
how could the problem be fixed, another program? (besides laser grbl?)
if my problem is not clear, scroll down one post
thanks for the help

Thank you for posting. Looking into our systems, I see the renewal order has been applied to your key under a different Gmail address than the one you use here.

We would rather not expose your personal information here in public. Please email, and we can help sort and provide the details there.

I can assure you the renewal has been applied to your key. :slight_smile:

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