SendUDP.exe on Windows stangeness

I’m running on Windows 10, and running Lightburn version 1.4.03

I’m wanting to automate Lightburn and it looked like the UDP commands mentioned in the python code attached to this thread, Launch LightBurn and Load Files into LightBurn using Command Line Interface, would be adequate.

However they don’t appear to work. If from the command line I send:

"C:\Program Files\LightBurn\SendUDP.exe" LOADFILE:C:\work\laser_koenig\qrcode_with_logo.png

I get told that the file ‘LOADFILE:C:\work\laser_koenig\qrcode_with_logo.png’ cannot be found.
If I try

"C:\Program Files\LightBurn\SendUDP.exe" PING

I get told the the file PING cannot be found. So it seems whatever command I send it is considered a file it tries to load.

So I tried

"C:\Program Files\LightBurn\SendUDP.exe" "C:\\work\\laser_koenig\\qrcode_with_logo.png"

And that correctly loaded the file.

However I really need the ability to start the burning process remotely, ie the START command I think.

I’ve tried with quotes, without quotes, with ‘\’ in place of '' pretty much whatever I can think of.

What amd I doing wrong? Or does this just not work?

I don’t believe the SendUPD.exe command is able to start the job.

Use the Python script to run the START command.

Thanks berainlb. Your comment pushed me over the edge of understanding. I foolishly assumed that a command named SendUDP.exe would be used to send the UDP commands that were in that python script. But after my observations and your comment I workedout what I needed to do.

SendUDP.exe simply starts Lightburn with the passed file. A file is required or lightburn will start up and complain.

However once Lightburn is running you can then run the python script. To run a UDP command. Following that and things work much more like I’d hoped.

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