Set Origin button not working

I use 3018 device without stop sensors. So I use Move buttons to reach left bottom corner. When I reach it in the app current prosition can be different(cause I can press Left 20times more and motor will just trying to move without actual moving, because it is already on the last position) so every time when I move my laser to the left bottom corner position will be different, as you can see now in my screen it is -70 and -50

Ok, so my laser is on the real home. Then I press Set Origin and I expect that system will count -70 and -50 as the zero position. So then, when I press Go to Origin, I expect that laser will stay as where it is, bit it is going to 0 and 0 which is wrong. I want to start cutting my project from real corner, but not from middle of the plate…
So how I can tell the app that -70 and -50 is the place where from we have to start cutting?

As your 0.0 home position will be the position when you connect to the 3018, right-click Devices button to reset the connection, after your laser is at the bottom left corner.

Have a read at the docs:

also read:

Wow, thank you! It is so not clear, because button “Set Origin”, in my opinion must to do the same…
Thank you, anyway, will check video you’ve post

doesn’t work at all :frowning:

It is still trying to go somewhere on the middle of plate to get zero :frowning:

Once you do this, the controller no longer knows where the laser head is located. There is no feedback mechanism to tell the controller the head is not actually moving.

I recommend you add limit switches on both ends of each axis. With lead screws (3018 machine), there is enough torque when the stepper is cogging (can’t turn) that it can damage your machine. The benefit is that two of those switches also ace as Home switches. Then you use Absolute Coords to get very repeatable positioning.

Go back and read that documentation @parsec suggested slowly. Read it 3-4 times until you understand it. If you are going to use a machine that uses coordinates, you really should understand what is going on.

Make sure it is set up properly…

This is how to view your table…

I know we loaded you with a lot of homework, but the payoff is in having more fun, and less stress.

P.S. A lot of us started with, or still have, the 3018 Pro machine.


Please check if your machine has origin set to the center by issuing a G0 X0Y0.

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Thank you! I finished by adding big square and set to don’t got to Ouptut, so now I really can control where I will cut and all works perfectly.