Set origin,clear

The set origin, clear origin and set finish position are not showing up. I don’t have those options

Are you running in Beginner Mode?

No, I made sure it wasn’t.

I believe I saw the same problem solved recently here, but I don’t remember how. Search the forum for similar problems…

Thank you for responding

To change your laser’s Finish Position, go to the Move window and use the arrows to position your laser head wherever you would like it to return to after the job is finished, then click the Set Finish Position button. Your machine will now remember that spot for future jobs. Finish Position can be adjusted at any time by repeating the above steps for a new location.

Move Tool Window

Users with GCode-based lasers can also adjust or disable the Finish Position in the Device Settings window.

Return to Finish Position

Can it help you?

… Note

The Finish Position option is only available for GCode-based controllers. DSP controllers manage this internally. (if you try it on another laser as stated in your profile)

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Thank you to all for your responses. This morning when i opened LB, those boxes showed up.

Miracles happen all the time :wink:

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