Setting HOME to X0 Y0 using EleksMaker Mana SE

I cannot get the Home position changed from X600 Y0 to X0 Y0 on my EleksMaker Mana SE.V3.2. When I tap Home the laser moves left trying to go to X600 and crashes at the right end. I cannot stop it without turning the power off… The jog arrows do not work at all…
Firmware is Grbl-M3 1.1e.
Laser work good using T2Laser software. I would like to buy Lightburn which offers more flexibility.

Which profile did you choose when setting up LightBurn? For your firmware, you will want to pick the Grbl - M3 profile. Where do you have the Machine Origin set?

This is worth review: Common GRBL/GCode Setups - LightBurn Software Documentation

And here is another great resource for your setup.

I have laser set to GRBL - M3 (1.1e or earlier)
Origin is set at lower left

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