Setting up Lightburn to run my Xtool S1

My S1 homes fine, I uploaded the the file to the device list, chose COM3 and all it will seem to carry out is home. I have managed once to use the touch probe and ran a job. After carrying out that procedure it will not run again. All it seems to do is home after that nothing else. I have the latest Lightburn update and I have check Ihave the latest firmware update too. When the laser ran it gave 3 differtent lines and on a sqaure I made up. I ran it on the XTool software to make sure it was still working and it was running fine
Can anyone please help?

Did you fully close the xTool software? It will maintain a connection to your laser, which LightBurn requires access to in order to function.

Thanks for the reply, yes I close the programme and restarted it, I turn the machine off and back on too

Library load failed Lightburn 1.601
The library failed to load (Z:/LIBRARIES/Atzwer V35.clb
This is the error message I am receiving
I have connected my S1 machine to the software and all it will do home, nothing. Can anyone please advise

The only command the S1 will respond to is Home

Peter is your lid closed? I had this issue when I first tried Lightburn on my S1 and it was because I didn’t realize that the lid needs to be closed even when moving manually or framing. It’s not like it is on xcs when it only needs to be closed for burning.

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Hi Wayne
You are spot on and thanks for replying. It would be nice if the lid could stay open when framing etc
Thanks again


My solution was to take the screws out of the magnets on the front of the cover. I set them down where they would be with lid closed. It worked for what I needed. To be honest though, the latest update on xcs added kerf offset which was my biggest reason for doing a light burn trial in the first place. I have gone back to XCS because I really prefer the alignment function over the lightburn one. I did try the print and cut setup, still wasn’t as user friendly as XCS positioning. I will try lightburn again once they tweak in the S1 some more.

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