Settings changing

I do stamps from ai files. They have been running fine then last week it went south, the letters were all fat and I couldn’t get the power up beyond minimum. My settings I’ve been running are speed 400, power 37.5, line .0014, ramp .39. I finally figured out if I drop the ramp to 0.0 it works perfect just like it used to with the ramp at .39. Any ideas why this happened.

The weather is better to the south. I’ll be watching the geese.

So are the geese. :wink:

This is a great clue!

This is also a great clue.

It’s easy to lose power by commanding a speed that the engraver can’t keep up to. The controller will cut-power proportionate to the missing speed.

If you’re running at 400mm/min then you’re fine.
If you’re running at 400mm/s then that’s 24000 mm/min and that might be past the $110 $111 settings. If you’re using inches, that’s even more math. :slight_smile:

I’ll emulate my guess at what’s causing it and share the results. :slight_smile:

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I drew an ellipse and set it to fill at 400 mm/s

This comes out as expected:

I repeated the test at 24000 mm/min or 400 mm/second
This exaggerates the ramp.

The docs say ramp ‘length’, I’m wondering if it’s ramp time at speed.
I’ll check in with the team and find this out. I haven’t tested this before. :slight_smile:

Its 400 in/min. I have always used inches because it easier for me. Sorry I should have posted it.

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Awesome! Click Edit, then Settings, then confirm the units that you intend to use are selected. Left side half-way up. 6 choices… Adjust it if necessary.

Carefully click ok to accept the changes (if you had to make changes).

Some of the engravers get confused when using inches, but that would be step 3 after confirming the speed units

If the Speed was right, then it’s not that. The next setting that could be inadvertently set is ‘Rotary’. If it’s left on when you return to flat work it can make the output ‘Fat’.

Capture the whole LightBurn work area (with this screenshot tool) and drag the pic into a reply here. I’ll be able to zoom in and see it much more easily than a cel phone picture. (thanks!!)

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