Settings file is greyed out on mac despite correct file extension

Got my Two Trees TS2 20w set up fine, ran some projects by manually adjusting things and got good results.

Trying now to add the settings and macros but this #%#@ mac has the file greyed out

Any tips or ideas on how to deal with this stupid machine (macbook) would be appreciated. I am beyond frustrated and their customer support is non responsive

How are you trying to open the file?

.lbdev files are device description files. You would import them by pushing Devices button in Laser window, then import, then selecting the file.

Are you referring to LightBurn’s or Two Trees? When did you send a request? I wouldn’t necessarily expect a response over the weekend especially immediately before Christmas.

Exactly like that, with the import button the file shows grey

Apples support is less than useless. Twotrees was great, but I will try them next

Another user said their file had .txt added but i verified that is not the case here

How did you validate this?

If you list the folder in Terminal, what do you see?

I was able to pull the file onto the desktop like that, and then CLICK AND DRAG it from the desktop onto the open lightburn window and it worked

–at this point i’ve just opened it in a text editor on my PC, emailed those to myself and I’ll copy paste it into the field–

apple is such garbage

You’re trying to import an lbdev file from the wrong place. Go to the Laser window (usually on the left, and the window you’d use for framing, setting the job origin etc). At the bottom is a button labelled Devices.

Click on it and you get a dialog showing a list of all your devices, and at the bottom is an Import button for you to add an lbdev file.
I’ve just tried it on my Mac and it works perfectly. You can also manually edit an lbdev file in TextEdit on a Mac - right-click or Cmd-click and Open with…, then select TextEdit from the list of apps.
Somehow I doubt that Apple support would have any experience of opening an lbdev file, so not surprising that they can’t help. If its any consolation, I think you would get the same from Windows support as well :smiley:

Thanks for this, i appreciate the follow up a ton

If i ever need to do this again I’ll remember, and I’ll edit my other posts with this solution

Thanks again and happy holidays, merry christmas et al =)

Didn’t you confirm that this was in fact how you were attempting to import the file?

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