I have SculpFun 30s Pro, with 10 watt laser.
I am wanting to try engrave picture onto wood. Does anyone have some settings that work so that I have a starting point for practice?
Why not do a material test and get your preverd settings from that.
As Ron said, it’s all about testing. Most likely, the settings of other users won’t help much because those might have different requirements and materials.
Personally, I don’t like pictures on wood (these brownish colors, bah) and therefore, all settings you could ever try would look ugly in my opinion
But to get you started with settings overall, take a look here: Settings guide - Diode Laser Wiki There are also some other articles, also on wood imaging in the different sections of the wiki.
I have done a materials test and I have an idea about settings. But the test doesn‘t use pictures. I am continuing to test pictures a variety of ways. Adjusting the pictures through LightBurn software is useful, but also lots of guessing. I guess that is what the wood scraps are for.
Yes, a lot of scrap pieces are required
Here: Specific guides - Diode Laser Wiki is a link to a guide by Cobey Schmidt, he wrote some articles also about pictures on wood.
Bycarbonat of soda/baking powder mixed with water can be sprayed on some wood and left to dry. This will help produce a black etch and improve the image appearance. There are no end of videos on YouTube that also offer good advice on etching images on wood. Took me ages to find the best settings for my particular laser machine, so test, test, and test again is the way to learn. Good luck
this is the best settings test i’ve found as it gives you all the gradients, it’s a good tutorial too