Shape movement question

I have movement settings set for .005 but only moving .0005. I’ve changed and re-changed and still only .0005 can’t figure this out . Control arrow is .005 and arrow is .020 ?

…mixed metric and imperial op???

No all standard “ imperial “never noticed it before.

5 thousandths of an inch and it’s moving 5 ten-thousandths?

Factor 10 is an unexpected error.

Please Screen cap your (Edit) Settings window so I can copy what you have.

Out of curiosity… Why are you attempting to move a shape .005"?

I have a short video but it won’t let me upload it as it says not allowed.

test.lbrn (2.9 KB)

I never heard anything?

Open your prefs.ini file and see what the attached setting is. The arrow movements are not saved in the LB file - they are in the ini file


this is for .001

What do you have this one set to?

all fixed thanks was my fault was hitting ctrl/shift ( because there’s a arrow) for arrow not cntrl arrow.

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