"Shop Pay" phishing during checkout

I just purchased a new Lightburn license, but thought you needed to know, your “Shop Pay” payment provider is phishing when going to the checkout page.

I’ve never, ever used this scummy service, and yet immediately when going to the checkout page, it tries to phish a “verification code” sent to my phone.

Luckily I was able to close this box and make a payment without this scummy phishing activity.

I just thought you might want to know that your vendor is behaving in an aggressive, anti-social manner. Thanks!

Hi Jim,

Phishing implies an attempt to harvest password or username data, in this case it sounds like Shop was attempting to verify your user data with a 2 factor request to the phone number associated with your account. This is a security measure to reduce malicious activity.

Phishing is the acquisition of any data that someone doesn’t have the right to. I’m not a Shop Pay user, and trying to verify that my phone number is a valid, current phone number is phishing. As I’m not their customer, and the need to verify information that’s not technically required to complete the transaction is phishing, scummy, and something that you shouldn’t tolerate from your vendors.

I know that some payment companies use the phone number associated with a credit card to verify the account. During the time I still had a landline and my cell phone, I had to remember which number was associated with the credit card when shopping online. It was very confusing until I was able to get all my cards associated with my cell number.

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