Since updating to latest version of Lightburn for Galvo, my laser is not firing

The job outline shows up on the work piece correctly via red laser, but when I hit start the whole job is traced out by the red alignment laser instead of the main laser which does not fire. Cannot get paying work done. Please help!!

Best regards,
Cloudray JPT 60W mopa galvo

Have you doubled check that your focal distance is still set correctly for the material you’re working with? I know that’s basic, but we all forget the little things sometimes. :slight_smile:

When you first set up your device profile in LightBurn, did you import the markcfg7 file from your EZCad folder? If not, that’s the next step to take.

If you have, please share a screenshot of your Device Settings window in LightBurn.

Finally, have you tried using EZCad since this issue began? That will be a useful step in determining whether this is a hardware issue. If you see the same using EZCad, something is wrong with your laser. You’ll need to revert back to EZCad’s driver in order to connect using it.

Hi, Thanks for the tip. I’ve just tried EZCAD2 and I’m seeing the same problem. When I hit start, instead of firing the main laser, the red layout laser performs the job. I can clearly see the red beam tracing the outline on the workpiece. WTF?!

It’s normal for the red dot to trace the path of your job while your laser fires, but it’s not very visible if the laser is also marking the material. Unfortunately, it sounds like the power supply to your laser’s source may have failed, or the switch for the source is not properly engaged. You’ll need to get in touch with Cloudray for assistance on that.

Thank you. I’ll contact Cloudray.

Cloudray support gave great troubleshooting advice via email. We identified the main power supply was outputting only 16V (should be 24V) They are sending a replacement.

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