Slop Error when sending over job on one computer but not my laptop

I currently run a desktop Mac for my laser and the other day my employee was running a job and i believe she may have changed a setting. When we go to send the new job to the laser we get the slop error. So when i went to use my mac laptop with the same file it goes through ok. what changes could have been done by the employee that is causing this issue?

If you post both versions of the lbrn2 file, they can be compared. Otherwise it’s random guesses, especially with no picture of the result.

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Screenshots of both computers with the same file open. Make sure the laser tab is visible.

One is set to user origin the other is absolute coordinates. That will definitely mess with positioning.

Tim, Thank you so much!!! That was the problem. amazing how often you look at things and can miss something like that!

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