Slots and Tabs Problem

That looks great! I think this will help a lot. And if you add a small note “You can try the shape optimizer tool to enhance slot recognition” below the “- Shapes are not closed” message, that would be sufficient to make users aware of it.

Here is another file. These shapes seem to be different again.
67wlw6l1.dxf (2.2 MB)

What I noticed here is that the shape optimizer seems to add unnecessary points at the maximum threshold (see the right tab of the shape):


If I just move the slider completely to the right (which I was used to, since if usually worked) the right tab gets unrecognizable again.

I don’t think this is actually a bug, but a side effect of the arrangement of points in this shape. When you move the slider far enough, I think it’s pulling the starting vertex of that shape over a little because it’s within the distance you specified (0.4mm).

You shouldn’t need to drag the slider way over like that, unless you’re working with really large shapes.

The changes made for this have been posted and are available in the Public Beta for 1.4.04


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