Snapmaker Ray with lightburn

What does it take to use lightburn with Snapmaker Ray 40w laser.

You can set up the Ray as a ā€˜SnapMakerā€™ Device type during setup, the rest of the steps should be fairly straightforward. One of our Developers, @adammhaile has a Ray - maybe he has a Device Profile you could import?

Unfortunately, this is not true. Previous SnapMaker devices are Marlin based but the Ray is GRBL based. The ā€œSnapMakerā€ device option in v1.4 and previous assumes this and we donā€™t fix that distinction until v1.5 (yet to be released).

But fortunately, @Colin is rightā€¦ I have a device profile for you :slight_smile:

snapmaker-ray-40w-v1.lbdev (5.1 KB)

Please note: I got this from SnapMaker directly and they told me they would be supplying lbdev files to customers. Mine might be a big old (my unit is pre-production). So I would double check with SnapMaker support.

That worked. Thanks


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