Solved Longer Ray5 Rotary

Hi All,

been looking at everything I can find to fix my rotary issue. I am using a Longer Ray Laser engraver and their rotary tool as well. I followed the directions and the rotary works when I click “test” in Lightburn but does not rotate during engraving. I don’t get it. 18mm roller 56mm per rotation. These are the manufactures settings. I know I am missing something super simple. But I gave up and am looking for some help. Thanks

Did you enable the rotary within lightburn?

The symbol at top right should have a green dot next to it … and that it’s mode is rotary at the bottom right.


Is the Y axes moving instead of the rotary…

I don’t really know how these are hooked up, but I know how they generally work…I’ve got a couple of them…


Yup. Green indicator is on next to rotary. I even brought the toggle onto the main Lightburn page so I could toggle off and on without having to go into a menu. Y axis does not move. Odd, tests ok but doesn’t work when engraving. Thanks for your reply though.

It sounds like a configuration issue as it works for testing, but fails on the engrave…

Are there any error messages generated in the console tab of the cut/layers window…?

Is Lighburn sending data to the machine?

In the laser window, where it says ready, it should change to show job percentage, a green bar… do you see this?

All the layers you wish to engrave are set for their output to be enabled.

Be aware of the cut selected shapes in the laser window being enabled…

Good luck


Well, I figured it out and as I said it was a stupid mistake. No, the circumference doesn’t matter on a roller rotary while adding your rotary, but matters when you are actually engraving something. Thanks so much for your help here.

With a wheeled or roller rotary the surface speed is determined by the rollers, with a chuck, you need to know the diameter to get the surface speed…

Glad you found it… mark your results thread as solved…

Take care, have fun


I’d like to know what the take-away or ‘mistake’ was.
It might help the next person who asks.

It also helps us discover or uncover counter-intuitive steps in setting up laser engravers and occasionally identifies knowledge gaps on the forum and in other places.


  • make sure you check and double check your roller rotary settings. I set mine 18mm and my steps to 56mm. Conducted the rotary test in Lightburn everything worked. During my time trying to figure out my issue I went back into rotary setup, the diameter was now 187.36. Not sure how that happened but fixed it

  • Check your cable connections. It may look fully connected but I think it was not since when I unplugged it and plugged it back in, it worked. Of course I had already done the above too.

  • I was also confused by the framing of my graphic on the rotary. I realized that when I imported the graphic with a transparent background, the size of the background was still there so that is what the laser was framing and why it looked much bigger than what actually engraved.

When I got it working. Get test materials. I learned a lot engraving over and over on a cheap tumbler. Then I went Dollar General and bought a bunch of glasses for 1.25 each

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