Some Issues with Lightburn 1.2.01 - PDF Import and Image Trace

I just recently noticed 2 strage issues in the 1.2.01 Update.

  1. The PDF Import seems to suppress some (but not all) texts during import.
    May this be a missing font? If so, it would be nice to have a Message notifiying of such during import.

  2. In the Image Trace Window suddenly all Bitmaps appear flipped in XY.
    What happened? Anyway, the Trace still works correctly, but it is quite odd to work on the mirrored Graphic.

BTW my Os ist Win 10 Pro

I wasn’t aware of any text import working from PDF/AI. Are you able to share an example?

Is it possible that the original image was ever flipped? If so, I think flipped images will behave this way. I don’t know if that’s intentional or a bug but I suspect the latter.

Not that i know of. :thinking:
Also, this has never happened before the update to 1.2.01.

I can only reproduce the issue when flipping the image in workspace. Otherwise the images look the same on the workspace as they do in Trace window.

Is this occurring for newly imported images or old files?

Strangely enough the Flip occurs for both (new and old)

Can you upload .lbrn file where this occurs? I’ll try to reproduce with that file.

Just an example…

Fliptest.lbrn (1016.5 KB)

I see the rotated image in your sample.

However, if I rotate the image, the trace goes to normal. Is it possible that the image was rotated before being imported. Meaning if you view the image in a graphics program does it appear upside down?

My machine homes in the back/left, that’s were it was set in the device settings. When I updated, my origin in device settings was set to the front left, not were it was before. This will flip an image.

It didn’t do that in any other previous release. I notice that the ‘red square’ was at the front/left when I brought it up for the first time.


No, home origin is still the same and the image shows up correctly in other software, as well as in Lightburns Workspace view. Only the Trace image is flipped.:thinking:

Can you upload the image itself? I will try loading and see if I can replicate. All the images I’ve imported don’t show this although I can see the issue in the .lbrn file you uploaded.

Here ist the PDF from where i imported it. Just remove the .txt added for uploading.
50er Schild.pdf.txt (187.5 KB)

This is what I’m getting on import. But I can see from a PDF viewer that the image is there.

Did you do something special to import the image?

Sorry, wrong file.

50er Schild1.pdf.txt (1.7 MB)

Okay. I think I’ve isolated it down.

  1. There is no issue with PNG imports. I can import them and trace will not flip.
  2. For PDF, if machine origin is set at bottom-left then trace appears normal. However, if origin is in any other position then trace view will be flipped accordingly but trace will function as normal.

@Rick @Lightburn Would you mind taking a look to verify?

Yes, that is exactly what i experience here. My Machine Zero is top right.
Maybe an issue with the PDF Import misinterpreting the embedded Bitmap?

Not sure. The import into the workspace behaves normally so I don’t think it’s in the orientation detection. The Trace view must go through a separate transformation or perhaps depends on image orientation information in the file to behave correctly. Let’s see what the LB folks say about it.

Yes, exactly. And the trace on its own also works well. :man_shrugging:

Oz and I both took a look, yes. From our chat… The LightBurn PDF import has never supported importing text, because they store the font in the PDF, and we’d have to read that first in order for it to work, adding a bunch of complexity to the process.

The image flipping is known. The PDF probably displays the images at different orientations than they were generated. Bitmap trace in LightBurn shows the images in their native orientation. :slight_smile:


Okay, might be the PDF File i got from my cutsomers mostly contained Verctorized text.
But good to know.

Might be some issue with the original format of the image file or the PDF Generator that made the file.
I know, some Image formats store the Image Top Down for instance. Or even harder to decode, in blocks or stripes and backwards…

Anyway, thanks for the clarification Rick. :slightly_smiling_face:

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