Spindle Speed (Atomstack a24)

I have a atomstack a24 ultra and installed lightburn. It didn’t detect so I had to add it manually. The machine and device settings both indicate 1,000 on max spindle speed for $30.

After I did a material test, it’s barely cutting through at 2mm/s at 30% power. Where as other youtube videos for same laser are showing better performance.

I ran across this video about spindle speed values and he had a 20w laser set at 10,000. This a24 laser is rated at 36000rpm.

Is it accurate that I can update my spindle speed to at least 30,000 and s-value to match? (attached some photos of my tests, as well as few screenshots from youtube).

It’s accurate in the sense that you could do this. But inaccurate in the sense that it won’t get you access to higher available power. $30 sets the value for the top range. It does not indicate an absolute value of power. Changing the value of $30 to 30,000 could conceivably get you higher resolution of control but resolution is not typically a limiting factor especially for a laser advertised at 20W.

Can you elaborate on what this means? What does it mean for a laser to be rated at a particular RPM? I’m not familiar with this concept.

When comparing your results to references are you comparing apples to apples? As in same type of material at same thickness and same cut settings?

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