Spirit of Da Vinci – plane balanced – spinner - cut file attached

Spirit of Da Vinci – plane balanced – spinner
I used brown butcher paper on wings – adjust balance with pivot bar and tail sectionhttps://youtu.be/BMs6-AvIcoA
spirate of davinci a.lbrn (660.6 KB)


spirate of davinci a.lbrn (660.6 KB)


Thanks Tom a very nice piece will enjoy cutting this one…
Your files are made for 1/8 inch mdf is that slightly thicker than 3mm…
In your file I measure the slots at 3.17-3.18mm if so then I wood have to adjust all slots to (for me) 2.85mm for a firm fit…Cheers Merlin…

Tom, so generous of you to share all your lovely work. The attention to detail, especially the exploded views and instructions, is refreshing. I spent a great many years in CAD/Drafting and know well how much extra time it can take to produce nice end-user docs.

Thank you, I appreciate that

I cut for .120 birch, you will probably have to adjust