Split mark on a linear axis using galvo


I am hoping to switch to LIghtburn from Ezcad2 for my galvo fiber laser (currently setup using EZCAD2).

One feature i use in Ezcad2 is the “Splitmark2” operation which allows you to control a linear axis and split a larger image up over the travel of the axis. Its quite similar I think to how the rotary function works now in lightburn. ONe difference seems to be though that there is no home switch in lightburn. Otherwise i think you could just say its a rotary and set the parameters accordingly, as lightburn doesnt know if it is really a rotary axis or not… Is there any way to “home” the rotary in lightburn or anyway to set lightburn to split an image for galvo using a linear axis?

Here is the ezcad2 feature for reference and a picture of the actual machine to hopefully make it more clear what i am asking about.

I’m running a similar setup and would love a good solution for this as well. If there’s a way to manually zero (home) in the current rotary axis control that may be a temporary work around without using the home switch. Not ideal though.
Running my linear axis on my ezcad3 machine is heaps better, but there are still a couple of basic things that are missing that would make this single axis system really awesome.

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We don’t have support for this yet, but it’s planned. I can’t give a timetable yet.


Ok thank for your reply. It would be amazing if it was added. Unfortunately for work i really need split mark but that is the only reason i still use ezcad.

Great to hear. I have a real interest in getting this one going. Please let me know if I can assist with development in any way or potentially provide some ready to run hardware.

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I have repeat marking now working, for either rotating or linear work tables. This isn’t split marking, but the settings pages for configuring the external axis are the same, so a lot of the work is done.