The tags that we have drafted at the top of this image, we had to build the square ourselves using 4 separate lines and trying to measure and connect each line to make a box.
It was a pain.
We need to knock these tags out much quicker and your square tool seems to be the key, but we are not able to figure out how to select 1 line of the square at a time.
*We need to be able to select each of the 4 sides to this square individually so that we can layer them with different power settings.
It’s not letting me attach a picture, so I don’t know how you can respond if you can’t see the image of my screen.
Thanks for moving from email and posting here @kpeterson. This really helps us manage our support and share solutions. I have been thinking about your message and what you are trying to do. I would like to include your email here for clarity if ok with you. Please confirm and I will edit this post.
Here is a suggested workflow I tied that might help. I did not try to reproduce your exact example, but that would not have been much more involved to achieve as I hope you will see in my example.
Draw Rectangle
Create additional Rectangles using 'Array" tool - note X spacing set to 0.00
Select desired segments and join them using ‘Edit’→’Auto-Join selected shapes’ (ALT-J). note: Use this process to assemble segments into your desired tag shapes
Select and assign the newly created shape to new layer
Using the Rectangle, the Array, the Break Apart and Join tools, you can quickly build complex configurations of shapes and apply different cut settings as you desire. Is this a process that might work for you?
Here I used the same workflow to generate the look you shared. The only modification was I needed to select the non-exact duplicates to delete them separately. I then selected the entire art and used Array to reproduce.