Start Pause Time Creates G4 P prior to M03 S code

I don’t know if this is how this is supposed to work or not as I’m using the Lightburn software to generate G-Code for my plasma cutter right now (I run a dual setup with laser and plasma control on a Lowrider CNC), but I have noticed that when I tried to induce a Start Time delay (to allow for piercing) that the G-Code delay order is before the firing sequence. So, it generates like below.

; Cut @ 30 mm/sec, 100% power
G0 X-1.865 Y-4.502 F15000
G4 P250
; Layer C00
M03 S255
G1 X0.423 Y0.467F1800
G1 X0.372 Y0.503
G1 X0.32 Y0.534
G1 X0.265 Y0.562

This could be a Marlin interpretation thing. I get it, but it does require me to manually process the code after generating. It’s a simple Find and replace sequence in a word document but would be nice to not have to.

Anyway, I think I’ve done a good bit of searching and can’t seem to find a setting that adjusts this. If it is a simple setting change then correct me and shame on me for not looking harder.

You can set up a Custom GCode device as an alternative - Custom GCode - LightBurn Documentation

The delay (or dwell) function in LB Layer settings is explained here- Line Mode - LightBurn Documentation

but Custom Gcode as @Colin referenced, is another way to manage it.

Thank you guys very much. the links to the documents on the software are super helpful. I had not located them before this.

For resolution purposes in case someone has the same problem, it looks like I will be using the Custom GCode device process as in order for the delay to work how I want I would need to be in cut through mode, which currently doesn’t appear to be available with Marlin.

I made a GRBL machine and see that the cut through option is available for that setup.

Anyway it appears that it is indeed working as it should without the cut through setting being toggled with the delay being prior to cutting.

Ill play around with the custom GCode process later.


We’d love to see your results! Snap a pic :slight_smile:

I have played around with the Custom G-Code for a bit now, and I think the simpler thing will be for me to write a script to just add the delays where I want them to the G-code.

I’m either missing something or the details are not really defined at this point. I’m having trouble making sense of what effects what at this point. It may still be very buggy since it’s in developer mode and me running a plasma is not the target audience anyway.

I’ll play around with it some more when I’m bored or on the next revision. My plasma needs are not that great and I’m planning to get plasma specific software in the future when I build another machine with torch height control.