Im having a hard time figuring out Origin, not sure if its me or some setting somewhere… laser and everything else works great. Jobs run fine and in the correct direction and return to 0,0 without issue…
I start up, the machine is at zero zero, i click set origin
I then click Go To Origin and the machine starts moving to I’m not sure were because it runs until it hits a limit switch far away from where my 0,0 was.
Console Log:
Waiting for connection… Grbl 1.1g [‘$’ for help] ok [VER:1.1g.20181112:LEADMACHINE1010] [OPT:V,15,128] Target buffer size found ok ;at zero zero, just turned on ;at zero zero, just turned on set origin button press ;set origin button press ok ? <Idle|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|FS:0,0> ok ok ? <Idle|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|FS:0,0> ok ; pressed to move up 20mm y ; pressed to move up 20mm y Starting stream G21 G54 G91 G1 X0 Y20 F6000 S0 G90 M2 [MSG:Pgm End] Stream completed in 0:00 ok ;clicking go to origin next ;clicking go to origin next ok Starting stream G21 G54 G90 G1 X0 Y0 F6000 S0 G90 M2 Stream completed in 0:03
M5 ALARM:3 Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended. [MSG:Pgm End]
Note: The ALARM:3 was triggered by neither by limit switches or manually.
Alarm 3 is saying an Emergency Stop was commanded. If you did not touch the EStop button, and the wiring is good if you have one, the could the M5, spindle stop / laser off be interpreded by the controller wrong?
Try… Create simple box, line mode, and try that. If it fails, doa Save Gcode, edit to remove the M5, then use Run Gcode to see if it Alarms out.
Your profile does not indicate the laser type or power, so set that at the lowest possible value.
If i run
; LightBurn 1.4.03
; GRBL device profile, current position
; Bounds: X16.65 Y11.47 to X16.65 Y65.47
G00 G17 G40 G21 G54
; Cut @ 5 mm/sec, 20% power
G0 X16.653Y11.472
; Layer C00
G1 Y54S200F300
G1 S0
; return to starting pos
G0 X-16.653Y-65.472
Everything is fine, the machine does its thing and returns to my starting point.
No Issues.
My issue is i have no way of returning to my starting point, 0,0 myself manually.
If i manually move Y20 using the GUI button and then select “Go To Origin” it never returns to anywhere id call 0,0. It runs to a limit switch.
If i start the machine, moved Y20 and hit Go To Origin, without ever clicking Set Origin does the same thing. Runs to a limit switch.
If i change to Start From: to “User Origin”, and click “Set Origin”, move Y20, click “Go To Origin” it runs until a limit switch is hit.
It seems sorta like “Set Origin” never gets saved or set anywhere? Even on startup 0,0 is never saved. <Idle|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|FS:0,0>
Laser type and power are irrelevant at this point.
The controller is a Openbuilds Blackbox x4 GBRL 1.1.
Without seeing some window screen captures, I cannot determine what is happening, but that last line seems to indicate it is stored in the controller. That would lead me to believe there is some disconnect in how the origin settings work.
I have found my settings of Absolute position and Origin provided by Homing, life is simple. I do not understand why you are changing your Origin with the buttons. Have you seen this sectuin?
The Gcode sample above says the machine is operating in a predictable manner. Workspace origin and machine origin can be different.
La cible de mouvement de g-code dépasse la course de la machine. Position de la machine conservée en toute sécurité. L’alarme peut être déverrouillée. (Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur le bouton ‘Appareils’ pour réinitialiser la connexion)
En ligne ou quasi en ligne 2 :
The g-code movement target exceeds the machine stroke. Machine position kept safely. The alarm can be unlocked. (Right-click the ‘Devices’ button to reset the connection)
I did checkout that section of the docs earlier and using User Position mode seemed to be what I’m after.
I think you’re correct and its my expectations that are off. Looks I’ve been spoiled using another application with different features that I’ve gotten used to.
Mainly, if i have a starting point of user 0,0 id also have a button that could bring me back to that user 0,0 and not just machine 0,0.
I use the Finish Position, Device Settings window I think, to move the head to left-rear when a job finished. Gets it out of the way for changing parts or making adjustments. When I Frame for the next one, it zooms back to the starting point and frames from there.
I understand the switching applications issue. Ivwent from CNC service engineer and desktop CNC to laser operation. Still getting things mixed up!