Starting position problem after update

Its same for me. Machine still start cutting from zero position and job orgin is greyed out

Apologies. Thank you, yes, we have updated this once more. Please try the same link and let us know how you progress.

Everything is working now. Cutting,framing and start from work like they should.Thanks for fixing the problem

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Thank you for reporting and assisting in the resolution. :slight_smile:

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on the 6225 trocen controller, you are still not unble to pick absoulte coordinates,(and the other options) from the start from drop down menu. sent pic above from previous post

Some feedback… :slight_smile:

You’ve covered absolute coordinates and user origin, two out of three.

Is there some kind start from value related to current position option of the Ruida?

Curious minds want to know :crazy_face:


the print and cut feature does not working like previous update such as setting the set the the controller msg (set controller to soft orgin to begin cut)

Sorry @dbsingh,but I am not following your comment. Please reword and include pictures/illustrations to help us “see” what you are describing.

Sorry …in previous versions it would give you a msg say to switch controller settings to soft orgin for this controller, when sending the the print and cut job to laser, it does not do that anymore was wondering if this still required for trocen controller?? noticing that the cut is off (vs.) previous version which was cutting correctly? using 1.5 version of LB

Which version of 1.5 are you using? This should all now be resolved with the 1.5.06 public beta.

1.5.05 of lb

There were additional issues with that release. Please download 1.5.06 and let us know how you progress. :slight_smile:

seems to have fixed the issues I had with the trocen 708c… Thanks


The print n cut feature still has issues, such as the set target 1 and 2 positions are greyout, and when using the wizard set position 1 does not target the correct positon, and jog to next position 2 does not work…

Have you drawn your targets? You first need to draw a reticle for the target positions. Also using a good sharp corner may help with positioning the targets first.

Review this tutorial and see if perhaps a step was missed. I just ran through it myself on my Trocen AWC708c and it seems to be working correctly.

The full documentation is here: Print and Cut - LightBurn Documentation


The problem now is (after drawing out the targets) is that the software does not ask you to switch from key origin to soft orgin (when sending job) to laser

I went back to veriosn 1.5.02 was able able to print n cut just fine and the orgin mode msg came up to change to soft orgin. 1.5.06 does not print n cut the same file at all and I do not get the msg change to soft origin…

Thank you for reporting back and providing these additional details. Investigating further and will report back as we learn more. :slight_smile:


I should also note that going down to version 1.5.02 is now pulsing the laser and this does not happen 1.5.6