why does my project want start way off the grid? I have tried going through changing with the move section button and clicking on start from my location to absolute chords and user origin. What am I doing wrong? I have also pulled up a project of a stencil before and it still wants to start way off the grid. Every time Shut off or turn on I manually move my Longer Ray 5 manually to lower left. Then I make sure that the little box with the circle is in the same location. I don’t have limit switches. Sometimes I even have to click WAY off the grid and work area to get it to go back to lower left corner. I know that the last place of origin is the litlle green square but sometimes I can’t even locate it. What do I do?
If I understand correctly, to home a system without limit switches you have to manually move the laser to the Home Position before turning it on. Make sure you have the home position set correctly in Lightburn Device Settings. Then don’t move it by hand from there on out. Only use the jog arrows in Lightburn if you need to move it.
I personally prefer using Absolute Coords for most of my projects. It is a direct reflection on the laser bed of the work area in Lightburn. This video should help.
Thank you very much. New prob: Laser will fire but not move in the direction is supposed to. Laser will move around perfect using the move selection but not doing a project… what am I missing?
So you’re saying the laser moves correctly if you use the move controls within Lightburn but when you go to burn it is wrong.
Post a full screen screenshot of your Lightburn project, your device settings window and a pic showing the incorrect burn.
Which corner does your machine home to?
I have to manually set it to Lower left corner to home it. that isnt the problem. The problem is that I have drawn out a bunch of circles in the work space and want to burn them onto a sheet of wood to act as a stencil. Print preview shows the circles just great but when I set it to start the burn, it goes to anywhere on the board to start burning the circles for me and then starts burning in one spot. how do I get it to do the whole project rather than burn a hole?
Upload the screenshots I asked for. They may provide clues as to what’s happening.
If you’re manually homing that tells me your machine doesn’t have limit switches, correct? Do you move it to the corner and then turn it on or do you move it with the laser on?
Is this a problem that just started, or has it never worked correctly?
We can’t see what you’re seeing, which makes it difficult to give advice.
Post a full screen screenshot of your Lightburn project, your device settings window and a pic showing the incorrect burn, or better yet a video showing what it’s doing.
Is this a new problem that just started, or have you never gotten it to worked correctly?
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